Thursday, July 3, 2008

You Need Tax Breaks!

Taxes can really take a bite out of your annual income if you don't have any means of acquiring tax breaks. How would you like to deduct all of the following from your taxes?

1. A portion of your rent or mortage.
2. Any work-related travel expenses you incur (including gasoline costs!)
3. Your phone bill.
4. Your electric bill.
5. The cost of purchasing a computer and maintaining internet service.
6. Any work-related fees or expenditures.

The way to do it is through having your own home business. Your home becomes your business office and many routine household expenses become business expenses. I'm not talking about anything illegal, fraudulent or dishonest here. I'm talking about making the provisions of the tax code for ordinary business-related deductions WORK FOR YOU, and doing it all while WORKING AT HOME. Sit at home using the internet, Google, and Veretekk's fantastic lead generation system and MAKE MONEY ONLINE. Poverty is no fun! So overcome your poverty by starting your own home business and start working from home towards building the income that you need.

Interested? Email me at or call my office at 804-355-7161

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