Thursday, July 10, 2008

VereConference is simply the hottest VoIP live online conference system around!

Looking for a powerful, easy to use online VoIP conference system? Well, you've come to the right place! The VereConference system has been specifically designed to meet the needs of major corporations all the way to home based businesses - regardless of what your product is, or what you are promoting. VereConference is a reliable, no nonsense, easy-to-use, 100% web based conferencing service that you can use right NOW... without spending a penny!

With Vereconference unlike the competitors:

You don't download and install a piece of "screen sharing software".

You don't have to dial a phone number to hear the presenter (where you can hear babies crying, fax tones blaring and speaker phones echoing, as you tie up your phone line or a couple of hours and run up your long distance phone bill!) You don't have to have broadband access! Dial up Internet connection works too!

All you need is a computer with an Internet connection of any kind. You can use it to provide live, online support for your existing customers and website visitors. Perform live online training sessions for your team.

Clean interface. Extremely easy to use! Just click the link and you're in! Rich, quality sound. All you need is a headset and speakers! Text chat for your guests without a microphone! Private text chat conversations on the side of the main presentation! Keyboard commands for visually impaired users! Synchronized web browsing allows you to push web pages for 1000's of viewers to see. Superior white board features! 100% Internet based -no phone line or teleconference needed. Recording feature - archive your meetings and post them on the web! (not included
with free rooms) Unlimited monthly usage! Customize the look and feel of your room. Live customer support - just when you need it! Just go to the Vereconference link at the bottom and you will be up and running with your very own free 3-person VereConference system for free!

Go to

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