Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Tough Economic Times Ahead-Be Prepared!

Recently, Starbucks had to close 600 of its American stores:

And IndyMac is going belly up as well:,0,2858219.story

Rumors of a possible war between the USA and Iran persist, possibly resulting in another doubling or even tripling of present oil prices:

How prepared will you be to face the tough economic times that lie ahead? What are you going to do when simply commuting back and forth to work everyday eats up most of your paycheck? For decades, Americans have had the luxury of being the most mobile society on earth. Rising fuel costs combined with wider economic downturns could be putting an end to that. What if you could cut your work-related transportation costs down to ZERO? I did. But the only way to do it is to WORK AT HOME. It's not exactly a novel concept. Prior to the advent of modern transportation technology, most people worked at home, either on a farm or in a shop. Those days may be making a comeback. Working at home may well be a wave of the future, particularly given the rising costs of fuel combined with increased technological capabilities associated with computers and the internet.

How would you like to sit at home during the day working on the computer and building an income and just forget about going to work? That's what I do. Here's how:

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