Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Reduce Your Hospital Bills by 80%

A few years back there was a fellow in our company who had a heart attack and had to go in for a quadruple bypass operation. He was in intensive care for a while and things were not looking good for some time. Miraculously, he survived and had a very good recovery. A problem was that he did not have traditional medical insurance. However, he had our medical discount and patient advocacy plan. Initially, his hospital bill were around $150,000 and we got 80 percent of that knocked off right away. The rest was put on a ten-year repayment plan. And this fellow was making $100,000 a year in our business selling these benefits packages. Can't beat that, can you?

I don't even carry traditional medical insurance anymore because I've found our discount and patient advocacy plan to be even better. Call me if you want to talk about it some more. I'm at 804-355-7161

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