Thursday, June 12, 2008

Welcome to the World of Super Success Internet Marketing

Let's face it, if you're visiting a website like this, you probably need money. One of the network marketing companies I belong includes a very successful man, a minister in his other profession, who says, "It's not just about the money. It's all about the money!"

He's right, of course. Times are tough with the high costs of gas and food, mortage foreclosures, rising unemployment, the fall of the American dollar on the international currency market, the loss of jobs to outsourcing and the global economy and so many other things that are making it harder and harder for the average Jane or Joe to make a decent living. And, of course, we all want to do more than just "get by". We want success and lots of it, because that's what allows each of us to pay our debts, cover those burdensome mortage payments, put the kids through school, get a car we're not embarrassed to be seen driving, cover important medical treatments for loved ones and so many other things that we just can't really do without.

You're not going to get rich or even all that comfortable with an ordinary job. I know. I tried it for nearly two decades. Then I decided to look for alternatives. What I found was the world of network marketing, and networking marketing took me into the worlds of consumer-driven health care and, later, internet marketing. Four of the most serious problems Americans have today are finding a job, dealing with the costs of fuel, finding affordable health care and planning for retirement. Well, I can help you with all four.

How would you like to be able to work from home, avoiding the rat race and the expensive commute to and from work, receive amazing dental and health benefits, and build up a permanent residual income for your retirement? I thought that would get your attention. Let's get started by taking a look at these websites:

Pretty neat stuff, isn't it? The first site shows you some of our (and potentially your!) amazing products. The second site shows you how to make a fantastic living helping others meet their dental and health needs. And the third site, shows to how to make customers come to you. There's no purchasing crummy leads from disreputable providers with us. No silly wastes of time like setting up a booth at the mall and begging passersby to buy our products. We have the most sophisticated marketing system out there, and there's practically zero overhead involved.

So for goodness' sake, let's not waste any more time. Let's you and me get started with this thing today!

Email me at or call me on my office phone at 804-355-7161.

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