Monday, June 30, 2008

12 Million Ads for Free!

Click on the above link to find out how you can place 12 million ads on the internet for free AND generate 8,000 FREE LEADS DAILY.

Blastomatic is aimed to provide one goal. RESULTS!!! Trying to promote on the Internet can be disheartening and costly. Unless you find the right tools you're simply wasting your time and money. We make it easy for you by submitting your AD to millions of pages with just one click. By using Blast-O-Matic you will literally be creating millions of links pointing to your website - automatically! This can greatly help increase your site popularity and help you to get a much better ranking in the search engines. The more you use Blast-O-Matic, the more links pointing to your website are created! Blast-O-Matic provides you with the most powerful submission system in the world - and best of all, it's FREE! No other submission service can compare to the "high-tech" / "high-touch" service you receive from Blast-O-Matic. Most companies charge a fee to provide you with an inferior service! We charge you NOTHING! It is FREE, FREE, FREE for ever!

Poverty is No Fun! Make Money Online using Google, Veretekk's Lead Generation System and Blastomatic!

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Email 10,000 Prospects in 10 Minutes Everyday

Everyday, I send out emails to 10,000 prospects for my various internet marketing businesses. It takes me about ten minutes every morning. And I'm talking about 10,000 NEW LEADS DAILY. I get these leads for FREE just by agreeing to use some of the best tools available for online marketing. Join these three sites and you can make money online by increasing your lead volume exponentially.

With Free FFAS and Blastomatic, you can receive 10,000 new leads daily and with Veretekk, you can email all of these prospects each day with only a few minutes work. Sounds nice, doesn't it?

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Veretekk Helps You Generate FREE Leads for Your Internet-Based Home Business

Click on the above link to learn more about how to generate thousands of leads on a daily basis for FREE. I've known people in the home business and network marketing fields who would spend thousands of dollars monthly on lead generation. That's not how you make money online. That's how you lose money.

Here's a couple more sites where you can get FREE leads:

You can generate up to 10,000 leads DAILY with these two sites alone, and with Veretekk you can do a mass emailing in the space of a few minutes. Think it's too good to be true? So did I, but then I actually gave it a try!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Make Money Online with 1st Classifieds

Generate leads with Veretekk 1st Classifieds. Troy K Preston helps you with the best internet marketing tool available. Make money online using system and Google.

We've been providing high traffic, high response Free Classifieds since 1996.Got something you want to sell? Looking to buy? This is the place!

1-Family is the oldest and most visited classified system on the Internet. Posting is free and remote posting is allowed.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Generate a Limitless Supply of Leads for Life-and for FREE!

For a long time, I tried every half-cocked method of lead generation I could think of. I spent over a $1000 every month placing ads in newspapers. I left sizzle cards on park benches and in public restrooms. I spent several hours a day posting ads on Craigslist and other free ad sites. I struck up conservations about business opportunities in the supermarket checkout line, on airplanes, and with waiters and gas station attendants. I put up flyers on bulletin boards. I bought overpriced internet leads from shady distributers.

And you know what, I didn't even get ONE PERCENT the number of leads that I generate FOR FREE on a daily basis using sophisticated internet marketing techniques. If you want a future in network marketing, you've got to be able to generate YOUR OWN LEADS via the internet. There's just no other way. I have the system, and I want to teach it to you so you can become successful and I can become even more successful. Check it out and let me know what you think:

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Don't Put All of Your Eggs in One Basket!

If you're an experienced network marketer, you've heard it said many times that the way to go is to find one opportunity and stick with it. Is that really the best advice? Why put all of your eggs in one basket? No matter how good you think a particular opportunity is, no matter how financially solid your network marketing company is, no matter how honest you think the company's owners are, THINGS CAN GO WRONG.

What if your company took a downturn and went bankrupt? That's not that hard to do in today's economy. What if your company was bought out and liquidated? It happens. What if it turned out the company's owners were a bunch of crooks who made off with YOUR residual income. It's a familiar story to some people in network marketing. What if the checks just stopped coming? DON'T LET IT HAPPEN TO YOU.

To really secure your financial future, you need to be in multiple businesses, not just one. That might have been harder back in the old days when network marketing was done using those dreadful local weekly meetings, door to door sales, telephone solicitations, those overpriced newspaper ads, those crummy internet leads, etc.

Now you can operate a dozen or more businesses at once on your home computer. And you don't even have to buy leads. YOU CAN GENERATE LEADS FOR FREE. Veretekk has the system. Check it out:

You'll love it. I know I do.

Friday, June 20, 2008

I'm Learning How to Operate Multiple International Businesses at Once Without Leaving My House!

It looks like tough times are ahead so far as the American economy goes. A friend of mine, a Danish economics student by the name of Peter Bjorn Perls, has this to say about America's economic near-future:

"Also, there seems to be nothing on the board that will change the disastrous US economic course:

1) Aggressive expansion of the money supply by the Fed

2) Ditto for credit expansion by banks.

3) Major US federal deficit, with no significant and reliable long-term change in the cards

4) No significant tax reform on the horizon (the Fair Tax is discussed, but I don’t think is has
much real support, in any case it is not as much of a reform as I’d hope for and advocate).

5) No likely cuts to US military budget, medicare/medicaid, social security.

What this spells for the future is this:

a) Continuing and increasing inflation, meaning: more economic uncertainty,unwillingness to invest and save, a continuing drop in the value of US$s, stronger unwillingness to own and trade US$, and catastrophe for US import-based businesses, which will see their operating costs spiral out of control.

b) more bankruptcies, especially real-estate based - and a full crash following if the economy does more severe hiccups than it has lately

c) more interest expenses for US citizens on the foreign debt, less future willingness for foreign states to borrow the US money (which means big f’ing crisis the day the creditors stop being creditors - that would be your economic downturn right there)

d) no tax reform means that the state will still base its revenue primarily on income taxation to accumulate the funds needed to keep the state in action. When the crash hits, the tax revenue needs to grow to cover the crash expenses (I assume that a crash will either be directly based on a foreign lending stop, or result in strongly reduced lending willingness, which means more debt-based spending is realistically impossible on the scale it happens today). More income from income taxes means a heightened income tax burdens on individuals and businesses, naturally leading to tax evasion, underreporting, and discontent as people will see their living standard plunge (not only from the crash itself), and their personal economic lives under increased surveillance.)

e) No budget cuts means in the case of no short-term crash, will the long-term economic crash be assured, when the money runs out and the federal state is unable to meets its medicX/SS obligations. That means a lot of people will be placed in situations where desperate action becomes more likely."

Sounds pretty bleak, doesn't it? And economist Paul Craig Roberts, a former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury under President Ronald Reagan and an early architect of "supply-side" economic theory, has this to say:

"As a result of offshoring, good jobs in America are disappearing. The Bureau of Labor Statistics job figures make it totally clear that the U.S. economy has ceased creating net new middle-class jobs in the private economy in the 21st century. Stressing higher returns to shareholders, Wall Street pressures corporations to move their operations abroad. Wal-Mart tells its American suppliers to "meet the Chinese price" or else—a price that U.S. firms can match only by offshoring their operations to China. Every job and product that is offshored increases the U.S. trade deficit and lowers U.S. gross domestic product. It is a losing game for America that rewards the overpaid elite of Wall Street and corporate America, while dismantling the ladders of upward mobility. By enlarging the trade deficit, offshoring erodes the reserve currency role of the dollar, the real basis of U.S. power. Now that U.S. imports exceed U.S. industrial production, it is unlikely that the U.S. trade deficit can be closed except by a sharp reduction in U.S. consumption, which implies a drop in U.S. living standards. If the dollar loses its reserve currency status, the U.S. government will not be able to finance its budget and trade deficits."

It's not looking good. Have you ever heard the saying "Don't put your eggs in one basket!" It's true in the business world as well. How would you like to be able to operate multiple buinesses all at once, tapping into markets all over the world, and do it all sitting at home in front of your computer? Getting paid in euros and yen as well as dollars, and doing it without leaving your house? Internet marketing allows you to do just that. Check out a little bit of what we have to offer:

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Welcome to the World of Super Success Internet Marketing

Let's face it, if you're visiting a website like this, you probably need money. One of the network marketing companies I belong includes a very successful man, a minister in his other profession, who says, "It's not just about the money. It's all about the money!"

He's right, of course. Times are tough with the high costs of gas and food, mortage foreclosures, rising unemployment, the fall of the American dollar on the international currency market, the loss of jobs to outsourcing and the global economy and so many other things that are making it harder and harder for the average Jane or Joe to make a decent living. And, of course, we all want to do more than just "get by". We want success and lots of it, because that's what allows each of us to pay our debts, cover those burdensome mortage payments, put the kids through school, get a car we're not embarrassed to be seen driving, cover important medical treatments for loved ones and so many other things that we just can't really do without.

You're not going to get rich or even all that comfortable with an ordinary job. I know. I tried it for nearly two decades. Then I decided to look for alternatives. What I found was the world of network marketing, and networking marketing took me into the worlds of consumer-driven health care and, later, internet marketing. Four of the most serious problems Americans have today are finding a job, dealing with the costs of fuel, finding affordable health care and planning for retirement. Well, I can help you with all four.

How would you like to be able to work from home, avoiding the rat race and the expensive commute to and from work, receive amazing dental and health benefits, and build up a permanent residual income for your retirement? I thought that would get your attention. Let's get started by taking a look at these websites:

Pretty neat stuff, isn't it? The first site shows you some of our (and potentially your!) amazing products. The second site shows you how to make a fantastic living helping others meet their dental and health needs. And the third site, shows to how to make customers come to you. There's no purchasing crummy leads from disreputable providers with us. No silly wastes of time like setting up a booth at the mall and begging passersby to buy our products. We have the most sophisticated marketing system out there, and there's practically zero overhead involved.

So for goodness' sake, let's not waste any more time. Let's you and me get started with this thing today!

Email me at or call me on my office phone at 804-355-7161.